10 Facts About Coffee!
- In the UK, we drink approximately 70 million cups of coffee per day! (Unfortunately, not all of it is provided by us!
- Coffee is the world's second most valuable traded commodity, only behind petroleum,
- The first webcam was created in Cambridge to check the status of a coffee pot.
- Coffee beans aren't beans. They are fruit pits.
- Drinking a cup of caffeinated coffee significantly improves blood flow. (encase you needed a reason to order right now)
- There's a Coffee Shop in France where not saying "hello" and "please" makes your coffee more expensive.
- If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you would have produced enough energy to heat one cup of coffee.
- Studies have shown that contrary to beliefs, coffee isn’t actually dehydrating.
- Coffee was the first food to be freeze dried.
- CoffeeSeller will match any UK price! (Okay so it’s a bit of a plug, but it is technically a fact!)
As always for quality ingredients, machines and everything in-between give us a call on 0800 035 5584 or order online.